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29.12.2018 @ 08.05

As always, that's the only clue you get--you will need to know the map well in the event that you hope to do it all on your own. The Battle Star you have to collect could be found just north of a home next to a gasoline station, as pictured below.

The remainder of Week 8 is fairly straightforward, though that does not necessarily make all of it simple.

Search chests in Salty Springs is as straightforward as repeatedly landing there at the start of a game and grinding your way into the seven you need--make certain to go for rooftops so that you may readily assess attics. If you're expecting to perform the related challenge,hunt seven chests in a single match, you're going to want to prevent Salty Springs--other players are very likely to be swarming the area in search of chests.

All FortNite STW products 50% OFF :…


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