In situ growth of hybrid nanoflowers on activated carbon fibers as electrodes for mediatorless enzymatic biofuel cells


02.03.2021 @ 07.18

[url=]a… carbon factory[/url]Hybrid nanoflowers (HnFs) are novel structures that comprise enzymes (laccase, glucose oxidase, or catalase) and Cu3(PO4)2-based crystals, which can directly in situ grow on activated carbon fibers (ACFs) for the preparation of electrodes (HnF/ACF) used in glucose biofuel cells. The HnF/ACF structures perform higher enzymatic activities (~4 times) and stability (~2 times) than the enzymes physically adsorbed on ACFs in distinct analyses such as epinephrine oxidation, H2O2 decomposition, and glucose oxidation.[url=… charcoal wholesale[/url] The power density of an HnF/ACF-based cell (50 µW cm−2 for a glucose concentration of 50 mM) is 3–5 times higher than that of a cell prepared from conventional enzyme immobilization routes, which can be sustained at up to 80% after one month of operation.


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