Woodcutting and fishing to be Runescapes


13.05.2020 @ 05.21

Not many players really want the old, AFK mining and woodcutting and fishing to be Runescapes future, provided the choice we would all have requested for a 2012 Runescape before the EoC and we'd have been completely fine.

Everybody with this reddit pats themselves on the back when they indicate nerfing the hell from bosses but it wouldn't fix RuneScape whatsoever. The hardcore playerbase who already farmed invoices worth of gold will probably stay, but no one wants to sit at a supervisor for a month directly LOSING nearly all of their gain, and risking a hundred million or more(that they clicked stones on for 10 hours a day to get) so they are excited when a product that is worth half that manages to fall after months and months of grinding. It'd be a disaster, I really don't think the community actually knows what it's asking for.

I feel like softball mechanisms could be the best answer for this going forward, possibly as a testing ground in one off skilling focused league with matters such as reworked boss drops and skilling boosts to see how it works before implimenting such adjustments to the primary game or only have leagues constantly have distinct drop mechanics to promote more balenced game play.

Much like in Path of exile, the leagues market that is standard is kinda a mess as a result of bots and other issues which OSRS shares but it doesn't really matter because the vast majority of the pleasure comes using their own seperate economy from new leagues.

Buy Osrs gold https://www.rsgoldfast.com/


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