A decent money making method in OSRS


15.01.2021 @ 10.02

Gnome exploration series - Spirit tree transportation system - welcomes OSRS gold gamers access to fast teleports to several places like Grand Exchange. Troll Stronghold - God Wars dungeon - Really important dungeon with bosses that could grant you a great profit. Desert Treasure - Located south of Lumbridge in Al Kharid. Unlocks Historical Spellbook that gives access to blood, icehockey, smoke and shadow spells that are very helpful in most situations but most importantly allow player to start bursting which can be one of the quickest methods for attaining 99 Magic.

Lunar Diplomacy - Lunar Spellbook - a few helpful spells for all sorts of scenarios from Buy old school rs gold PvP through regular daily activities to questing. Dream Mentor - Added spells for Lunar Spellbook - not mandatory but quite useful. Kings Ransom - Chivalry and Piety prayers which unite bonuses to three statistics: Defence, Strength and Strike.


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