How To Send Stars To Friends In Monopoly Go

21.09.2024 @ 02.28
In Monopoly GO, you will collect 1-5 star stickers, but after you play for some time, you have pulled the same sticker copy multiple times, and sticker stars come into play! Since you cannot directly trade stars, you can send duplicate stickers of what your friend already owns and have those converted into stars. That's exactly what we're going to cover in today's article.
As we mentioned before, stickers come in various star ratings, and whenever you get a duplicate of a sticker, no matter how many stars, you can send it to a friend. Here is how you can do it:
First, get some duplicate stickers.
You cannot send any stickers (or stars) to your friends if you only have one copy of a sticker. You will need to have at least 2 copies to be able to send your friends something. So, if you have a friend in desperate need of a certain sticker (or if you are the one in need of a sticker), you can try getting as many stickers as you can, and sending them some (as long as you got dupes!).
Finally, here's how to send stars to your friends:
Open the Album (bottom right)
Select a sticker set
Tap on a sticker that you have multiple copies of (it will show you if you have multiple copies, something like "+1", or "+2", or however many you have extra)
Press the big yellow button that will appear on the bottom side of the screen that reads "Send to a friend"
From the list that pops up, select the friend you want to send your sticker to, and then press the "Continue" button.
You can send up to 5 Monopoly Stickers to your friends every day if you have lots of stickers and feel generous. You can even select the "Make an exchange" option if you want someone to send you something in return. It's a great option that will help you gather lots of stars and complete your sticker album quickly! Keep in mind that players requiring gold stickers often wait for the Golden Blitz trading event to get their hands on rare stickers.
In addition, once you've acquired a number of stars, you can trade them in for a safe. Safes will contain great rewards in Monopoly Go, like free dice rolls, sticker packs, and in-game cash. Note that saving for the most expensive safe can help you earn rarer stickers (they cost 1000 stars).
That is all you need to know about How To Send Stars To Friends In Monopoly Go! Best of luck!
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